Too bad I can't just upload my brain to this, that would make life much easier. There is far too much to say then there is time to say it.
This is a blog for me, my thoughts, passions, obsessions, and interests. There isn't a set subject that I will write on nor do I care especially for others to read it. If they do, they will have a better understanding of who, Subrina is. I do a lot of ranting and I will probably change the names of the people i rant about...just to confuse you.
Some things to start you off with:
1.) I love to hate things
2.) I work at Barnes and Noble and I hate it, no it is not because I don't appreciate what I have. It is because it sucks to work where everything about your job is a lie. Where you're surrounded by sad middle aged middle-management who's only pleasure in their middle-failure of a life is to go on pointless power trips, don't punish me because your life only amounted to being a manager at Barnes and Noble...bitch
3.) I don't know where I'm going in life but I'm excited for the journey.
4.) I sound very pessimistic but I am quite happy with life...
5.) I love horror movies, zombies, 50s and early 60s, morbid romances, watching people, drinking tea, painting, and poetry.
6.) If it's dark I will love it.
That is about it for right now let me leave you with this fantastic picture of Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros

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