Oh hai, it's certainly been a while!
I MOVED TO NYC....earlier today. I'm currently staying with my very stylish friend Soren Jensen. I've decided to start the blog back up again because I'm starting a new life and I want to share it with the world! ....or just my 8 followers. Whatev.
Here are some really nice pictures of my temporary home.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hey all, it has been quite a while. Here are some updates:
Got a job at a Smoke Shop
Got a job at a call center
Court moved
Rory moved
Amy visited
Got another tattoo
Been crazy busy
Started talking to Alema again
Whooooooo! That's so much to happen in a month!
I feel good, I feel really good! Very happy and stressed but the good kind.

Here is my current inspiration:
Marisa Tomei
Love love love her! Well her in the early '90s.

So spring collections are in stores! What are we loving?!
Okay and I also saw this today and thought it was really awesome.
Take a looksee :)
Got a job at a Smoke Shop
Got a job at a call center
Court moved
Rory moved
Amy visited
Got another tattoo
Been crazy busy
Started talking to Alema again
Whooooooo! That's so much to happen in a month!
I feel good, I feel really good! Very happy and stressed but the good kind.

Here is my current inspiration:
Marisa Tomei
Love love love her! Well her in the early '90s.

So spring collections are in stores! What are we loving?!
Okay and I also saw this today and thought it was really awesome.
Take a looksee :)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Gift Ideas: Day 3
Now here is a category that I know a lot about. Besides being a hipster, I mentioned before that I also worked in a bookstore. This gift idea is:
Like I said in the last post hipsters love books, whether they like the idea of them, actually like to read them, or like telling their friends how lame they are for not reading enough, THEY LIKE BOOKS.
Now here are some suggestions for your hipsters:
Anything by Chuck Palahniuk. You may be familiar with Fight Club? He wrote it, this book is hipster 101, they will love it.
Anything by Jack Kerouac. He was the original hipster (also a great writer) you hipster will love and actually learn something from his books.
Anything by William Burroughs. He was also in the same time as Kerouac and they co-wrote And They Boiled the Hippos in Their Tanks. If that doesn't sound hipser-ish then I don't know what does..
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. This book is better than the movie, any good hipster should know why.
Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Even if your hipster hasn't read this they will still probably tell you it is their favorite book. Funny how that works...
I Saw You...: Comics Inspired by Real-Life Missed Connections. Your hipster doesn't know they want this but they really, really do. This book changed my life.
Anything by Arthur Nersesian. Not-so-well-known but dearly beloved in hipster circles.
Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart. This book is pretty new but super funny and strange.
Anything by Sylvia Plath. Not only was she a great novelist but a great poet as well. Her husband also sent her to a mental institution where she wrote the majority of her works. What more could you want..?
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides.
Anything Where the Wild Things Are. Self-explanatory.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Any self-respecting idealist has read this. Your hipster included.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World by Bryan Lee O'Malley. Watch the movie, then you will understand.
Ghost World by Daniel Clowes. " "
Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis. See below.
Anything about or by a musician. As I said in my last post hipsters love anything music or music related. They also have this strange belief that they are all unique individuals thus they love reading about famous people who are like them. Famous or dead musicians and artists are seen as just above themselves (hipsters) on the 'Individuals' Hierarchy' and they strive to be like and know more about them than their friends.
Anything by Henry David Thoreau. Hipsters looooove philosophy and all that so they looooove Thoreau...ugh.
Anything by Kurt Vonnegut.
Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. I'm pretty sure that all the other hipsters who didn't say that Perks was their favorite book said that Catcher in the Rye was..
Note: Hipsters also love saying they have read and own the classics. So if your local Bookstore has a section marked Classics, that is always a good place to start. Also head to the Philosophy section they would love anything and I mean anything from there as well.
These are just SOME of the authors and titles that your hipster would like, I can't take the time out of my day to write down, remember, and look up ALL the titles that your hipster could possibly want. But I do hope this helps and as always feel free to comment with any questions you might have.
Like I said in the last post hipsters love books, whether they like the idea of them, actually like to read them, or like telling their friends how lame they are for not reading enough, THEY LIKE BOOKS.
Now here are some suggestions for your hipsters:
Anything by Chuck Palahniuk. You may be familiar with Fight Club? He wrote it, this book is hipster 101, they will love it.
Anything by Jack Kerouac. He was the original hipster (also a great writer) you hipster will love and actually learn something from his books.
Anything by William Burroughs. He was also in the same time as Kerouac and they co-wrote And They Boiled the Hippos in Their Tanks. If that doesn't sound hipser-ish then I don't know what does..
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. This book is better than the movie, any good hipster should know why.
Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Even if your hipster hasn't read this they will still probably tell you it is their favorite book. Funny how that works...
I Saw You...: Comics Inspired by Real-Life Missed Connections. Your hipster doesn't know they want this but they really, really do. This book changed my life.
Anything by Arthur Nersesian. Not-so-well-known but dearly beloved in hipster circles.
Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart. This book is pretty new but super funny and strange.
Anything by Sylvia Plath. Not only was she a great novelist but a great poet as well. Her husband also sent her to a mental institution where she wrote the majority of her works. What more could you want..?
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides.
Anything Where the Wild Things Are. Self-explanatory.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Any self-respecting idealist has read this. Your hipster included.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World by Bryan Lee O'Malley. Watch the movie, then you will understand.
Ghost World by Daniel Clowes. " "
Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis. See below.
Anything about or by a musician. As I said in my last post hipsters love anything music or music related. They also have this strange belief that they are all unique individuals thus they love reading about famous people who are like them. Famous or dead musicians and artists are seen as just above themselves (hipsters) on the 'Individuals' Hierarchy' and they strive to be like and know more about them than their friends.
Anything by Henry David Thoreau. Hipsters looooove philosophy and all that so they looooove Thoreau...ugh.
Anything by Kurt Vonnegut.
Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. I'm pretty sure that all the other hipsters who didn't say that Perks was their favorite book said that Catcher in the Rye was..
Note: Hipsters also love saying they have read and own the classics. So if your local Bookstore has a section marked Classics, that is always a good place to start. Also head to the Philosophy section they would love anything and I mean anything from there as well.
These are just SOME of the authors and titles that your hipster would like, I can't take the time out of my day to write down, remember, and look up ALL the titles that your hipster could possibly want. But I do hope this helps and as always feel free to comment with any questions you might have.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Gift Ideas: Day Two
Today's Hipster Gift Idea:
This is a great gift especially if you don't know what kind of hipster you are dealing with. You can usually tell by looking at them whether or not they would like a gift card from any one of these places:
Tattoo/Piercing Shop--------Most hipsters either have or want tattoos.
Coffee Shop--------Most hipsters had their blood replaced with coffee by age 15.
Thrift Stores-------Most hipsters love the challenge of finding the cheapest and ugliest sweater out of all their friends and then pretending it isn't ugly or cheap.
A Trendy Vegan/Raw Food Restaurant------Most hipsters are vegan or will be once you give them this. Didn't you know? Vegans have cool psychic powers. Meaning they are just better than everyone else.
American Apparel-------
These have the same reason: hipsters like to pretend to do things for other people or to better the planet or whatever but really they like to be trendy....I guess there are worse trends out there.
TOMS Shoes-------------
Urban Outfitters------Your hipster may pretend to hate this gift but really deep inside they will love it more than they love stripes or The Black Keys! They may even try to lecture you on the evils of giant corporations or loss of individuality blah blah blah. But its a risk you must take you make your hipster happy.
Bookstores----------Hipsters love books, pretty much every kind of hipster loves or pretends to love them you virtually cannot go wrong with this choice!
iTunes------------Every hipster loves music but they also LOVE Apple products! So this choice is a win/win in their eyes!
Good luck and happy shopping readers!
This is a great gift especially if you don't know what kind of hipster you are dealing with. You can usually tell by looking at them whether or not they would like a gift card from any one of these places:
Tattoo/Piercing Shop--------Most hipsters either have or want tattoos.
Coffee Shop--------Most hipsters had their blood replaced with coffee by age 15.
Thrift Stores-------Most hipsters love the challenge of finding the cheapest and ugliest sweater out of all their friends and then pretending it isn't ugly or cheap.
A Trendy Vegan/Raw Food Restaurant------Most hipsters are vegan or will be once you give them this. Didn't you know? Vegans have cool psychic powers. Meaning they are just better than everyone else.
American Apparel-------
These have the same reason: hipsters like to pretend to do things for other people or to better the planet or whatever but really they like to be trendy....I guess there are worse trends out there.
TOMS Shoes-------------
Urban Outfitters------Your hipster may pretend to hate this gift but really deep inside they will love it more than they love stripes or The Black Keys! They may even try to lecture you on the evils of giant corporations or loss of individuality blah blah blah. But its a risk you must take you make your hipster happy.
Bookstores----------Hipsters love books, pretty much every kind of hipster loves or pretends to love them you virtually cannot go wrong with this choice!
iTunes------------Every hipster loves music but they also LOVE Apple products! So this choice is a win/win in their eyes!
Good luck and happy shopping readers!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Hipster: Gift Ideas
The last month or so I have been googling, etsying, browsing, and mall stalking for Christmas gift ideas. Mostly for my friends but for my family as well. This year is hard, mostly because I don't have a job and I no longer work for Barnes & Noble. Working at a book store made gifts easy, 'just buy them a book' was always my philosophy.
So this year I am being challenged. & because I have quite a lot of hipster friends I thought it might be helpful for others if I post my finding to my blog. For the next 16 days I will be posting gift ideas for any clueless parents, friends, or family members that might need some assistance. Also lucky for you these will all be cheap cheap cheap ideas because I am poor.
My first gift (& best if you ask me) is ETSY!
Now for those of you that have never heard of etsy.com here is the low down. Etsy is a site where regular people like you and me go to sell the items that they have collected over the years from thrift stores and garage sales or things that they have made. So needless to say there are A LOT of great unique and one-of-a-kind items on this site. Which if you didn't know are PERFECT for the average hipster.
Now no matter what kind of hipster you have in your life there will be something on this site for them. What makes this and even better option for a clueless parent is that if you go to the gift tab and allow Etsy to use their facebook app to help you (just follow the prompts) they will let you pick a fb friend that you want to buy a gift for and then use their 'likes' to personalize great gifts for them.
Note: this may sound too good to be true, it is not, I have used this app for many of my friends and it works every time! It even lets your choose a price range. This is the fastest and best option out there.
But stick around for my other gift suggestions, they will not let you down!
Here is the link to Etsy
Now if you are reading this and thinking to yourself: "How do I know my child or grandchild is a hipster?"
Well here are some signs:
Do they wear fake glasses?
Do they wear beanies?
Do they wear leather jackets or wind breakers layered with zip-hoodies?
Do they listen to records?
Are they ass holes about music selections?
Do they wear TOMS, Vans, combat boots, or oxfords?
Do they love Bob Dylan, Moressy, and/or The Beatles?
These are just the most basic signs of hipster-ness. There are also many different kinds of hipsters. If you read the list and are still not sure if it is a hipsters you are dealing with please, comment and I will give you more examples.
Until next time, good luck and God speed!
So this year I am being challenged. & because I have quite a lot of hipster friends I thought it might be helpful for others if I post my finding to my blog. For the next 16 days I will be posting gift ideas for any clueless parents, friends, or family members that might need some assistance. Also lucky for you these will all be cheap cheap cheap ideas because I am poor.
My first gift (& best if you ask me) is ETSY!
Now for those of you that have never heard of etsy.com here is the low down. Etsy is a site where regular people like you and me go to sell the items that they have collected over the years from thrift stores and garage sales or things that they have made. So needless to say there are A LOT of great unique and one-of-a-kind items on this site. Which if you didn't know are PERFECT for the average hipster.
Now no matter what kind of hipster you have in your life there will be something on this site for them. What makes this and even better option for a clueless parent is that if you go to the gift tab and allow Etsy to use their facebook app to help you (just follow the prompts) they will let you pick a fb friend that you want to buy a gift for and then use their 'likes' to personalize great gifts for them.
Note: this may sound too good to be true, it is not, I have used this app for many of my friends and it works every time! It even lets your choose a price range. This is the fastest and best option out there.
But stick around for my other gift suggestions, they will not let you down!
Here is the link to Etsy
Now if you are reading this and thinking to yourself: "How do I know my child or grandchild is a hipster?"
Well here are some signs:
Do they wear fake glasses?
Do they wear beanies?
Do they wear leather jackets or wind breakers layered with zip-hoodies?
Do they listen to records?
Are they ass holes about music selections?
Do they wear TOMS, Vans, combat boots, or oxfords?
Do they love Bob Dylan, Moressy, and/or The Beatles?
These are just the most basic signs of hipster-ness. There are also many different kinds of hipsters. If you read the list and are still not sure if it is a hipsters you are dealing with please, comment and I will give you more examples.
Until next time, good luck and God speed!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This is how I feel right now...
Does this make me emo? baha

Fall Sunset taken by me Oct. 29th 2010 with my iPhone haha.
& I want one of these:
& I miss this:




Fall Sunset taken by me Oct. 29th 2010 with my iPhone haha.
& I want one of these:
& I miss this:



Tuesday, October 19, 2010
summer long ago
I miss my life, I want it back. I thought I was moving forward and I haven't gone anywhere...I thought that then too but at least I was having fun...at least I was DOING something. anything.
I don't do anything anymore, I don't see anyone anymore. I haven't met anyone new or interesting. I haven't thought the way I did since I left.
I miss seeing the world the way I did, everything was...amazing..in its own way. And I loved it. And it loved me back.
Today I parked my car next to the park and walked the streets of downtown. Crisscross, up, down, sideways, up stairs, down alleys. Stopping to look at the people and the buildings and the mountains and the trees. I found some beautiful places. You wouldn't believe it if I told you.
While walking I pretended that I was new to SLC, that I had never been here before. Had never seen a SL,UT shirt, SLUG magazine, or been in the Heavy Metal Shop before. Looked at it in a completely new light. It was just what I needed. New perspective.
But I also had all my great memories of past downtown adventures. Summers spent away from my father's house deep in the city, trying to escape the oppressive and stressful situation I was in. Going all day without food just because we couldn't bare going back to his house. Talking to strangers at the library, hobos at the park, hippies at the drum circles, metal kids at the shops....We were just kids, we didn't know anything then.
It was good going back...just pretending if only for me that I wasn't myself. I was someone else with someone else's stresses and worries and friends and family. A whole story different from my own. Maybe even that I wasn't in Utah at all, maybe Phillie or DC?
Its funny how pretending to be someone different for a day helps me realize who I am.
I walked in silence, eyes constantly moving, drinking in every sight, mind going crazy...occasionally a single word would over flow out of my troubled mind onto my lips. It was usually something like "WOW" gazing up at a gorgeous building or some amazing sight I was sure no one else had ever seen in quite the same light or way that I was currently witnessing.
People hurrying on their way to their jobs or to school or to shop or maybe they were on their way to a fancy party? My mind would then wonder to their made-up fancy party with their made-up fancy friends. Until......
...dragging me out of my mind, finally surfacing for air.
I knew as soon as I heard the voice to whom it belonged to.
Rory Markham.
But what was my metal-head friend doing here? In downtown Salt Lake of all places?
Trying to find the Slayer concert he and his band-mates didn't have tickets for. duh.
Why didn't I think of that? Probably because it's crazy.
So what do I do? I run across the busy street and jump into their car as the line of cars start to move again.
My downtown adventure on a beautiful October falling day had ended with a bang and with its ending a new adventure began. That's life, that's how it works.
And I love it.

More later.
I don't do anything anymore, I don't see anyone anymore. I haven't met anyone new or interesting. I haven't thought the way I did since I left.
I miss seeing the world the way I did, everything was...amazing..in its own way. And I loved it. And it loved me back.
Today I parked my car next to the park and walked the streets of downtown. Crisscross, up, down, sideways, up stairs, down alleys. Stopping to look at the people and the buildings and the mountains and the trees. I found some beautiful places. You wouldn't believe it if I told you.
While walking I pretended that I was new to SLC, that I had never been here before. Had never seen a SL,UT shirt, SLUG magazine, or been in the Heavy Metal Shop before. Looked at it in a completely new light. It was just what I needed. New perspective.
But I also had all my great memories of past downtown adventures. Summers spent away from my father's house deep in the city, trying to escape the oppressive and stressful situation I was in. Going all day without food just because we couldn't bare going back to his house. Talking to strangers at the library, hobos at the park, hippies at the drum circles, metal kids at the shops....We were just kids, we didn't know anything then.
It was good going back...just pretending if only for me that I wasn't myself. I was someone else with someone else's stresses and worries and friends and family. A whole story different from my own. Maybe even that I wasn't in Utah at all, maybe Phillie or DC?
Its funny how pretending to be someone different for a day helps me realize who I am.
I walked in silence, eyes constantly moving, drinking in every sight, mind going crazy...occasionally a single word would over flow out of my troubled mind onto my lips. It was usually something like "WOW" gazing up at a gorgeous building or some amazing sight I was sure no one else had ever seen in quite the same light or way that I was currently witnessing.
People hurrying on their way to their jobs or to school or to shop or maybe they were on their way to a fancy party? My mind would then wonder to their made-up fancy party with their made-up fancy friends. Until......
...dragging me out of my mind, finally surfacing for air.
I knew as soon as I heard the voice to whom it belonged to.
Rory Markham.
But what was my metal-head friend doing here? In downtown Salt Lake of all places?
Trying to find the Slayer concert he and his band-mates didn't have tickets for. duh.
Why didn't I think of that? Probably because it's crazy.
So what do I do? I run across the busy street and jump into their car as the line of cars start to move again.
My downtown adventure on a beautiful October falling day had ended with a bang and with its ending a new adventure began. That's life, that's how it works.
And I love it.

More later.
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